Sunday Schedule
Our Sunday services will be in-person with optional masks and live-streaming.
September - May (School season): Church service begins at 10:30 am
June - August (Summer season): Church service begins at 10:00 am
Please go to our 'Watch Worship Service' page to watch LIVE (from our YouTube channel).
" set free those who are oppressed..."
Luke 4:18-19
A community of love and hope for Moms
What is CMG?
CMG stands for Covenant Moms Group.
We are a fun group of Moms with little children, from babies up till grade school. We get together and craft, chat and eat delicious food. We may occasionally "vent" about motherhood, but that's why we have each other; to learn and give insight and support. We are each other's village!
The Value of Membership
There is no financial duty to join our group, just the pleasure of each other's company! To join, check out our Facebook group for meeting times and dates or email Mary Prost, the group leader.