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Below are some frequently asked questions that will give you an idea of what to expect when you visit Covenant Church of Schaumburg. Don’t hesitate to call the church office at 847-605-8334.



Will I be met at the door?

When you come into our lobby, an usher will greet you and be available to answer any questions you have.

Attached to pews are visitor cards that we hope you’ll fill out. Please give the card to an usher or the pastor before you leave.



When should I arrive?

September through May: Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:30 am.

In addition to worship, there are Sunday School Classes for every age group, starting at 9:30 am.

June through August: Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:00 am. There is no Sunday School during the summer, but there is always childcare!



Where do I park? 


We have a large parking lot located in front and to the sides of our building.


CCOS greeters
CCOS parking lot
Where do I go?

What if I don’t know where to go?


A greeter is there to answer any questions you may have and direct you to worship service, nursery, classrooms, etc.


Sunday School?

What about Sunday school?

We offer classes for children (ages 4 through high school) and for adults from 9:30 to 10:15 am. Newcomers are always welcome!



How should I dress?


The atmosphere at Covenant Church of Schaumburg is friendly, and dress is typically more casual. Dress comfortably. You’ll find people here, though, in a wide variety of styles of dress from t-shirts and jeans to a shirt & tie or a dress (and anything in between)! It doesn’t really make a difference to us. The church is more interested in you than in how you dress. So do what’s comfortable for you.

Will I be singled out?

Will I be singled out as a visitor?


We consider you a guest not a visitor. Our commitment is to create a welcoming atmosphere where you will feel at home. We will not put you on the spot by having you stand and say something in service, or sing a solo. You will have an opportunity at your own choosing to fill out a welcome card.


Where to go for info?

Who can I talk to if I have more questions when I visit?

An usher or greeter can help you find more information on a particular ministry or general information about our church.


What kind of music can I expect?

Sunday worship services at Covenant Church of Schaumburg are a mixture of old/new styles and sounds. We worship God through hymns and worship songs, as well as with the choir, piano, and organ.



Do I have to sing?

Singing is part of our worship together. Our music director and choir do a great job of leading us and making it comfortable to sing along or just listen.


Worship Style

What’s your style of worship?

We use a variety of music and artistic expression in worship. Pastoral messages are biblically based, relevant, and challenging. We worship as a community, just as we are in the Sanctuary.

The congregational singing will typically include some traditional pieces with organ and piano, as well as a variety of contemporary songs with brass instruments. We pray, share, and hear every week a challenging and encouraging message from God’s Word.

The sermons are designed to teach and grow in the Bible, to explore what that means in your life, and to engage in everyday life what you have learned. It is our desire that every part of the service include singing, prayer, the sermon, and fellowship time following the service.


What do I do?

Will I know what to do?

When you arrive, you’ll receive a bulletin for the morning worship service. It outlines what will be happening during worship so you’ll be able to see what is coming next.



Do you take an offering? If so, am I expected to give?

We do not receive offerings by passing an offering plate from person to person. If anyone chooses, offerings can be given using a unique basket near the sanctuary entrance.



Can anyone receive Holy Communion?

In the Covenant, we practice what is called “Open Communion.” That simply means that you do not need to be a member of our Church, nor of our denomination (Evangelical Covenant Church) in order to participate in communion.

How often do you have communion?
We receive Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.


Your Information

Are you going to collect my personal information?

Each pew has a Welcome card. This is a card that you can choose to fill out to let us know you visited us. It also provides a way for you to tell us how we can pray for you or possibly answer any other questions you might have.

You can be as detailed as you like in completing it or you can choose not to fill it out at all.

After Service?

What happens after the service?

After our service, we enjoy refreshments and conversation. This is a great time to make new friends and get caught up with others.

Join us in Fellowship Hall (the back of our church) for refreshments.


More Questions?

Do you have any other questions?

A lot of other information about us can be found on the other pages of this website. If you still don’t find what you’re looking for online, don’t hesitate to call us at the church office (847-605-8334) or send an email to We’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can to answer your questions about visiting the Covenant Church of Schaumburg.

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