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"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12

Serve and grow with us.


We encourage those who have made the commitment to give, attend, pray, and serve to become members. According to our Constitution, “Membership in the church is granted on application to those who through faith in God’s Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, have been born anew to a living hope, have been baptized according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to live a Christian life, and promise to support the total ministry of the church and to share its fellowship and obligations.”

Being a member of a church is like being a member of a healthy family. This means supporting your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ by loving them, caring for them, serving them and praying for them. It also means supporting your church by giving financially and attending church on a regular basis so that you stay connected to God and the faith community


What members can expect from the church:


As a member, you would have a voice in the decisions of the church, including approval of budgets, and calling of pastors. You would be kept informed of activities, meetings, and events. Members should expect to find joy in serving with other Christians in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Members can also expect to be loved, cared for, prayed for, and taught God’s Word within a healthy church family.


What the church expects from its members:


Being a member is a God-given way to grow. It also brings responsibilities on the part of the member just like in a family. Our by-laws state, “the members of this church do covenant together by God’s grace to live lives in a manner consistent with the standards of Biblical teaching, including the support of this local ministry in attendance, prayer, service, and giving; to live lives in word and deed that are an encouragement to others; to know and be like Jesus Christ; to reflect in all our relationships the servant love of our Lord; and to support the broader mission of Christ through the Regional Conference and Covenant.”

(More information on the Evangelical Covenant Church can be found here.)


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